Mission Statement


OUR MISSION is to provide mobility equipment, hospital & pharmaceutical supplies to people in need in all of Africa to improve the conditions of life. To create sanctuary communities for Albinos, who are frequently victims of their society, and to divert reusable medical equipment from landfills.

HOW & WHY will we succeed in our mission​.

By collecting and shipping used and surplus mobility equipment and hospital & pharmaceutical supplies to Africa, and distributing assistive devices to those with physical challenges who need them regardless of their race, gender, tribe, age, or religion. Mobility enhances our quality of life and health. Mobility & Health for Africa believes assistive devices should be provided to all who need them at no charge, to enable everyone to retain health and function independently, as long as possible.

  • By building sustainable self contained communities with schools, apartments, markets, sports arenas, entertainment and places of worship, we will create safe havens to protect Albinos from the horrific mutilation, discrimination, torture and abuse that is endemic to their society.
  • By purchasing and distributing new bedside commodes and pharmaceuticals we expect to see significant increases in the duration for elderly, mobility challenged individuals to manage their personal physical and hygienic needs themselves with dignity.
  • By providing medical supplies including pharmaceuticals to hospitals and healthcare centers. Improving their ability to serve their communities.
  • By providing long chassis vehicles to hospitals and medical centers. When converted into ambulances these will reduce the time it takes patients to get emergency medical attention. Currently, patients depend on family members or neighbors, who may have to run very long distances barefoot to carry a fragile patient, in a hammock, to a facility.

Mobility & Health for Africa is an ecologically responsible organization. It collects, repairs and distributes used equipment to maximize their useful lifetimes and those of our North American Landfills. Mobility & Health for Africa currently distributes in West Africa, in an otherwise unserved area of Guinea. Our first project is located there because it is totally neglected. This is a result of being a French and Portuguese speaking region. English speaking areas are better provided for and in less dire need.